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  • SKU:
  • 77
  • By:
  • Lou Anne Smoot
  • Book Type:
  • Ebook

Out - A Courageous Woman's Journey

Lou Anne fell in love with Karen in 1956 when they were both 17 and freshmen at Baylor University. Her parents told her the relationship was sinful and unacceptable. Seeing no other option, she followed their direction, married, and remained faithful to her husband for 37 years.


At age 60, after an incident in her Baptist Sunday School class, Lou Anne could no longer pretend to be straight. Her struggles to reconcile her faith with being gay take her into the depths of depression. After divorcing and "coming out," Lou Anne remained in her Baptist church for an additional fifteen years both to be true to her faith tradition and as an example of a gay Christian. She emerges as an outspoken advocate for gay rights.


This story of a retired teacher, mother of four, grandmother of six is told in an unprecedented, brutally honest manner.