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  • SKU:
  • 84
  • By:
  • Sheila Powell & Liz McMullen
  • Book Type:
  • Ebook

Finding Home

Firestarter Kayla Cruise has been kicked out of another foster home, her twelfth, and she's back at the railroad tracks where she always finds solace. Surprisingly, a woman shows up there as an apparition, offering something Kayla had been longing for all her life, a forever home. Not just any home, Tia Keating runs a group home for teens with special gifts' gifts like the ones Kayla has spent years running from.


The problem is that when something feels like it is too good to be true, it usually is. Evil is stalking Kayla and her new family. The Darkness is putting her dream placement in jeopardy. It also threatens a burgeoning relationship that Kayla doesn't quite understand, as well as the only true family she has ever known.