The Dark Knight of the Soul
by Kayt Peck

I’m going to quote a writer to whom I feel extremely close – me.
“Politicians and business people may determine what the world will be like next week or next year, but it’s the writers, the artists, the movie makers, the poets, the musicians who will determine what humanity will become for they are the ones who inspire the soul.”
I say it often, because I believe it, and I’m feeling that truth profoundly as I work to finalize my part in sending The Pyramid and the Painting (sequel to Kiva and the Mosque) off to the publisher. Writing both books comforted me, gave me a vision of what could be. I’m not saying a difference just in the lives of the main characters, but also how we might all work together to make a difference in the larger world.
There’s so much going on right now that can make it hard to sleep at night. I recently started a video blog on Youtube called Dark Knight of the Soul offering my personal experiences in hopes others can be comforted, perhaps not feeling so alone. It’s Dark Knight instead of Dark Night because I believe those of us willing to face and heal our internal darkness will likely be the “knights” who help many to find their own light, maybe even the light for humanity.
Kidwell Brown, the main hero of both The Pyramid and Kiva does it so much better than I do. I’m just so glad she’s there to help and inspire me. Wonder if she does that for anyone else.
Kayt Peck is the author of Good Water, Prairie Fire, The Kiva and the Mosque, The Ladies Room, and her new novel, The Painting and the Pyramid, due out in late 2018